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 The Infinite Human Foundation is a nonprofit foundation with the mission to create products, publications, pilgrimages, conscious films,  media, educational experiences, events, and communities ecetera that excite, inspire, and support the creative imagination and uniqueness of individuals  as the co-creators of an infinite new reality and NEW EARTH in alignment with  the KRYSTALA SPIRAL OF LIFE leading us back HOME to Infinite Source!



 Financial Goals

 To serve as Guardians of our Mother Earth by restoring her natural balance, living in harmony with our Mother, and to “make her green again” as  been prophesied by the Hopi who foresaw a race of rainbow warriors restoring the natural balance to our Mother Earth. This will be done by co-creating eco-villages where people can come to learn and practice the ancient principles of The Law of ONE and how to live in harmony and serve nature as well as how to be self-sufficient. 


 To support the reclaimation, restoration of our lost history,  To recover the  information in the stolen ancient texts, To bring back the knowledge of Ascesnion mechanics, Bio regenosis, Scalar Wave Healing, Tautarian Technology and Architecture and the use of Sound, tones and light to heal both humans and the energetic termplate of our Mother Earth.


To Co-create  communities to house healing centers for bio-regenesis and the restoration of our divine Kathara template as well as Universities where individuals can come together as Co-Creators of the New Infinite Earth and Visionaries of the New Consciousness Renaissance where they can learn to identify and express their unique gifts and talents and collaborate on creative projects.


These communities will be located at different locations around the world to serve as centers where people can live, visit, study, teach, exchange ideas, intern, work-exchange and connect with other Co-creators of the New Infinite Earth.


 The Infinite Human Foundation will co-create healing ways to  travel our Mother Earth to  work her ley lines and energetic centers healing both our selves as we heal our Mother Earth and connecting with our fellow New infinite Earth Co- creators. These may take the form of events, pilgrimages,  workshops and tours around the planet both by Land and Sea through Infinite Human Tours.


The Purpose of Our Mission:


We intend to create an expansive infinite foundation for The Co- Creation of an Infinite New Earth to be built upon that will serve to restore love, unity, harmony, and health to our Mother Earth, humanity, and all Creation and Reset if to Infinite Source on the KRYSTALA SPIRAL of LIFE! And so it shall be....


Phase One:

 Purchase land in pristine high-energy healing vortexes in different locations around the planet.. Restore the Land and make it fertile and self-sustaining, each property will have different needs and we will listen to the Deva spirits, ley line and energy votices of the land to support it in serving its highest purpose.. Create ecological infrastructures in alignment with Infinite Source where people can live, learn, teach, share, meditate, heal, and come together in celebration and co-creation.. There will be anchor homes for people who want to invest and be part of the community as well as vacation lodging for pilgrims, interns and students who come for bioregenosis, retreats, events, Research  or work-study programs.

We will serve as a model for communities of the Future.

Phase Two:

Educational goAls:

the infinite human youniversity :


The Infinite Human Foundation will produce conscious films and videos as well as publish intellectual materials that educate, inform, and entertain.

Classes, Courses, Workshops, Retreats, Tours, Internships, Pilgrimages, Events, etc will be offered to serve as a foundation to share these teachings and practices.

Study Abroad programs and branches of the Infinite Human YOU-NIVERSITY for Visionaries of the New Consciousness Renaissance will be created around the world where students of all ages can learn about themselves, their unique gifts and talents, and co-create with other blossoming infinite human beings.

Esoteric Pilgrimages to ancient sites to work with ley lines, grids, and our Earth’s template to  heal  our mother ans well as ourselves will be offered in various locations around the Planet focused on different themes and issues that need to be addressed in our holographic tmeplate.

Infinite Human Productions will be producing Conscious Media such as Films and educational videos as well as sharing projects created from the work done on pilgrimages, workshops and in the Infinite Human YOUNIVERSITIES. 





Will offer enlightening discussions, multidimensional journeys, profound meditations and empowering visualizations weekly  as well as serving as a platform where New Earth Co -creators can share their visions, gifts and talents AS WE CO- CREATE THE NEW CONSCIOUSNESS RENAISSANCE TOGETHER with other blossoming infinite human beings who are shifting the old paradigms of our broken, fragmented, finite 3D Earth and alchemizing it into a more expansive, unified, loving infinite reality by reclaiming our true divine infinite power within as the Co-creators of the new infinite Earth. This will be  every Monday at 9 AM Pacific Time on the VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel. There will be Study Abroad Programs and internships where students can write, direct, and produce Art, creative-conscious films, and documentaries that illustrate activities and events at the eco-communities that celebrate LIFE, LOVE, and the  UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS in each individual's unique way of expressing that.


                                       THE FOUNDERS 


The Infinite Human Foundation was founded by Elizabeth Monroy M.S.  who works and her twin soul, Peter Monroy M.D. who is no longer in the physical but very much a part of The Infinite Human Foundation.

Elizabeth Monroy is an International Author, Film Director, Producer, Visionary Artist, Talk Show Host. Her genres include Children’s books such as The Magical Mist, which empowers children’s creativity, Romance Novels like, The Chronicles of MerWorld, about the rise and fall of The Divine Feminine and Sacred Sexual Alchemy and her latest book is The Infinite Human, an Ascension Guide for Awakening Infinite Human Beings, Star Seeds, Twin Souls, and the Co-creators of the Infinite New 5D Earth. She holds a Master of Science in Mental Health Counseling and combines her Intuitive abilities to be of service to our Earth and humanity during our current Ascension Cycle, or the RESET TO THE INFINITE, as she calls it..She has over thirty years of experience, working with her husband, a physician, traveling around the planet, and laying a foundation for a higher modality of co-healing incorporating the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual natures of the human. Together they wrote the book The Pathway Home, a Guide for Divine Inner Healing to help the emerging New Co-Healers of our planet. Elizabeth has based her Ascension “Guidance” on this foundation and uses her intuitive gifts to empower individuals to trust their own inner voice and go to Infinite Source to heal and reset all areas of their lives as Infinite Human Beings.


She has worked within the educational system for years and frustrated by the lack of creativity and independent thought, moved to Florence, Italy where she founded The Infinite Human School for Visionaries of The New Consciousness Renaissance. Her book The Infinite Human is about her own spiritual journey back to Infinite God Source while addressing current world events, and offering full disclosure to help humanity with the choices they are now facing. She views the current global events as a wake-up call to the Heroine within us all to remember what powerful Infinite human beings we all are and to use our power to navigate beyond our current Finite Broken Earth Systems, embracing our Unique Soul Missions as Infinite Human Beings to Co-create a New Infinite Earth. She lives part of the year in Sicily in her Villa overlooking the Mediterranean Sea with Kiki, her Pomeranian dog, where she offers Infinite Human Courses, Esoteric Tours and Retreats and "time" travels to the USA, and Mexico where she is busy setting up New Earth Eco- Communities with Kiki, and Peter, who is always with her in spirit!

Peter Monroy M.D. Elizabeth Monroy M.S.
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