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Writer's picture: Elizabeth MonroyElizabeth Monroy

Updated: Dec 30, 2024


2025 = 9 is numerology symbolizes the Completion of a Cycle.This is why this extremely pivotal year is so important! This May 2025 includes a very important timeline SNAP! When the  3D reality of the Fibonacci Spiral of Death and the KRYSTALA SPIRAL of LIFE SNAP apart or further Breach. This will create a further delineation of the Two earths making it more and more difficult for those encased in the A.I. web of metatronic reversal coding to awaken. They will become much like a fly stunned and heavily coated in a sticky web unable to SEE or communicate beyond their artificial prison matrix coding. While the New Earth being born will slingshot into the higher dimensions! Organic Divine technology will accelerate recalibrating those who choose to alignment with Infinite Source the Order of LOVE and The Oneness of ALL. Meanwhile the finite Death Cult of Artificial Technology, the bad copies of True Creation will continue their descending time loop matrix and Fall into Phantom. 

In these past five years you the awakening collective have made great strides at freeing humanity from the Technological tyrannical timeline (Minority Report Agenda) the parasites had planned. 2025 will mark their desperate attempt to return Earth to their false timeline 2030 agenda and repattern our entire world into their A.I. Matrix of technology. These parasites can no longer control organic life because its frequency is too high so they think they can buy more time by creating an artificial world where they can continue to play God and live outside of the Law of ONE. But they can't! The Infinite is infinitely more powerful than the finite! They will eventually be siphoned off into a phantom world where they can continue their illusions and feed upon those they entangle in their A.I. Web. This is why they are trying to get you to BUY into their A.I. illusion and follow them into FALL. If they own your consciousness and your Quatum, they will own you! CRYPTO currency is their way of getting you to put all your money/ energy into their illusion. Keeping you glued to their black mirrors for all your needs binds the algorithms of your brains to their low frequencies rather than to Earth's ascending frequencies! Poisoning you and encasing you in low frequencies to keep you sick and separated from the high frequencies pouring through our sun, our Mother Earth and in the divine blueprint of clean pure water halts your asension process. It is time to place your priorities on becoming the highest version of yourself above anything else! Moving out of the crowded EMF-polluted environments or at least spending time in pure pristine high-frequency areas to detox your bodies so you can hold these higher frequencies! Investing your time and money in things that are real. Land, food, pure water, sun, tangible assets and finding your soul tribe!

Many of you are being swiftly pushed into the limelight and positions of power to serve as the New Earth Healers and Leaders. This may be uncomfortable even unsettling at first but humanity is counting on you to step up and fulfill your soul mission contracts. Many are still asleep in the Dream and your energetic presence in their lives will serve as a catalyst to awaken them before it is too late! This is not a message to invoke fear but the stakes are very high right NOW. Each and every soul is precious and needed to make a difference! Our Mother Earth has decided to Ascend and it is up to each individual to decide whether to ascend with her or to go into FALL descending into the darkest, murkiest reality of the phantom matrix. These contrasting realities exist side by side now but soon the contrasting vibrational frequencies will force each side to choose which future they want to participate in. Choose wisely! During Earth's ascension process, many who can not keep up with her ascending frequencies will be siphoned off into the lower densities in the process. This is why you contracted to BE HERE NOW. To offer an alternative voice, lifestyle, and vision to humanity as they make their daily choices. To be a guiding light of truth, love, and unified consciousness! As the A.I. world becomes more and more confining, censoring our voices and requiring us to give more of our quantum to participate in it, New Earth Communities will become a refuge where people can come to detox and repattern their consciousness To the order of LOVE, TRUTH, RADIANT HEALTH AND VITALITY, and THE LAW OF ONE.

WE LIVE IN AMAZING TIMES! Timelines are collapsing and giving way to the true organic timelines and many of us our being called to be the Vanguard those bold and brave souls who are fearless TIME WALKERS! Those who have the courage to face the trickster's timeline loops of illusion and say NO! I am not falling prey to your intimidations or playing Victim to your threats! The jig is up and I AM taking back my destiny! My Future and Our Mother Earth! You have no power here! Begone before someone drops a house on you! Every time you take back your power and take responsibility for co-creating your optimal future as your heroic self you clear the pathway and restore the organic timeline for those to follow in your footsteps! THANK YOU BRAVE SOULS!


It is truly the Age of Aquarius not because of the zodiac sign but because of a powerful army of great souls who volunteered many eons ago to leave their highly evolved Time Matrix and come to ours to help out in this pivotal time! They are plants who have too been asleep in the Dream to ensure their safety. Many of you reading these words may be part of this great army of LOVE come here to BE THE CHANGE and restore THE ORDER OF LOVE! You are part of the KRYSTAL RIVER FAILSAFE from Aquinos which is hosting our time matrix back onto the KRYSTALA SPIRAL OF LIFE!

As you absorb the plasma of eternal creation, you activate more and more of your 12 strands of DNA which purifies your emotions and your body so you can release the implants and reversal coding that has held us hostage this frees us from repeating old timelines collapsing them and allows us to co-create our own destiny! This year is the year to heal, tidy up, and finish once and for ALL the Finite Time loops! You are creating your future in the NOW with each thought you think punctuated by each emotion you feel reverberating throughout your body creating your reality. You create your future one thought, one emotion, one action at a time. Fear, doubt, and uncertainty create multiple timelines that waif in and out of time bringing you closer or further from what you want! This is the year to purge, detox, and release these lower frequencies! As you do this you assist humanity to do the same and choose the higher path of JOY!

I met an aware woman on her honeymoon here in the Yucatan who said her husband had been diagnosed with stomach cancer. She told me all he did was shift his frequency to a higher dimension changing his particle spin ratio and the next time he went in for a check-up the cancer was gone. I too had a similar experience with a cancer diagnosis!  This is possible when you shift timelines dropping what was holding you onto the old timelines and moving onto a higher dimension. This can happen instantaneously with anything in your life! It’s like a train heading for disaster then switching tracks! Creating timelines that bring about what you want to happen not what you fear will happen. Your fear reverberates throughout all your bodies triggering an electric /magnetic response that pulls to you the thoughts you are focusing on. The emotions change your thoughts and voila you have ecstasy or disaster! 

So….. BE MINDFUL OF YOUR THOUGHTS -THOUGHTS DIRECT ENERGY!!!!! Clear old trauma from your pain body!

Portal of Time

As you step in and out of the illusion of time this NEW YEAR! Set your intentions to position yourself for your optimal Future. There are a few important intentions I would like to like to suggest you set:

  • Vow to listen to your inner guidance over the external insanity of humanity or any other teacher, speaker, group etc transpiring around you! This takes courage and a deep inner trust in yourself and your connection to infinite Source within you. Trust in Divine Timing. Trust in your intuition over external Cues. This is a huge one for most people. Yes we may give lip service to trusting ourselves but everything in life since we exited the womb has been set up to mind control us away from our own internal compass. 

  • FEAR is the mind-killer and it will being running rampant this year! We have been programmed to fear the wrong things. Fear of losing our home, our family, our friends, our job, our partners, our money, our security. Well sit down and take a deep breath before you read this next line. THERE IS NO SECURITY!  The only true security you have is to trust your ability to respond appropriately to life, to each and every situation life serves up to you. Remember ultimately you have created or called all these experiences to you to learn from, to assimilate, and to emerge as your highest heroic self! To win, win, win, and be the victor of your life, not the victim!! It matters not what other people say or think! Only what you have learned about yourself on this spiritual journey we call LIFE!

  • Many Starseeds are preoccupied with escaping the prison matrix and are looking to evacuate though the nearest star gate or some other means of escape from Earth. YOU ARE A STAR GATE! By LIVING in the HERE and NOW, trusting yourself, and carrying out your Soul contract you are raising your frequencies. These higher dimensions are part of your Hova Bodies! You are inwardly ascending. When your job is done here you will go HOME. Not to worry! You got this and you are supported by your "Celestial Families" the Guardians, your divine counterpart and a host of other evolved souls who have never ever forgotten you! Let go of the FEAR! YOU ARE INFINITE!

  • It is…has always been and will forever be ALL ABOUT YOU! So what are you getting nervous about? Why are you listening to others or caring what they think? The ultimate freedom: to not give a flying F*&$$k about what others think and trusting yourself! Those that truly love you will always support you in your journey of self-discovery and those who don’t are not worth pleasing or keeping! Throw them back into the cease pool of life! 

  • Of course, we love others how can we not WE ARE ONE!  But if our love is dependent on giving up our own freedom then this is not love! And you are NOT helping those around you! The best gift you can give to others is to BE YOUR AUTHENTIC SELF!  This means listening to and following your inner guidance. You will be a role model a guiding light in the darkest night. You must learn to accept the truth that most people even the most professional, most learned, most accomplished folks are clueless. You are at this crossroads because in these shifting times and the years to come you will be called to be the guiding light. Humanity is depending on you!

Leaders Who Create Leaders

Council of Wise Women

The Old Finite World is  Crumbling. The New Earth is being Born!

We who are placing our feet on the New Earth surrendering to Infinite Source within 

and trusting our inner guidance will be the New Leaders, the Founders of the New Earth.

We will surrender the finite self-serving ego of "my" will self-absorbed in our own misery and fate to THY WILL of Infinite Source within! We will seek to LIVE in the NOW MOMENT rather than trying to own, control, and manipulate our future and others. We will find Joy in supporting humanity, our Mother Earth, and all Creation in its ascension and realignment with Infinite Source rather than in domination, exploration, and manipulation of others, our Mother Earth and all creation. We will seek peace, creative expression and love over malicious gossip, tyrannical control, and toxic relationships.

As you steer your course towards these new goals and take with you courage, self-love and self-worth to navigate these turbulent waters of this powerful New Year you will find you are a catalyst for collapsing the old timelines.  As you decide to honor the divine within taking back the pen that is writing your life story you may be forced to say NO! You may have to STAND UP FOR YOURSELF and create boundaries. This may be a bit stressful at first but know this, it will get much easier as you stop taking things personally and learn to love those who are opposing you! When you can see those "haters", as helpers along your path empowering you become the courageous heroic version of YOU then you can send them love and gratitude and move past go to collect your $200!

Let the only master of your life be Infinite Source within YOU! Do not make yourself finite for anyone!

This year is the year to surf timelines! You may be called to ride out an old timeline to heal or tidy up some aspect of yourself then quickly jump onto a new timeline. Or you may be on a high vibe timeline but jump off for a few beats to a lower one then back onto and even higher frequency timeline after you have adjusted a few things on the lower timeline! It may seem very confusing at times but trust the process and know you are always evolving!

Through your actions, you will become a weaver of timelines clearing pathways for those ensnared in the lower frequencies. You must remain nonjudgemental and allow LOVE to guide you! Many souls depend on your actions! Be fluid, go with the flow! Stop all expectations of how your life should look! Move intuitively and let things come to you! Magnetize what you want rather than going after things! Make moment-to-moment adjustments that will create huge ripples in time! Do not  carve anything in stone. This is how you navigate the INFINITE no-time zone in these times of great change!  


Many of you have been mind-controlled to see your "golden" years as a time of declining health and vitality. A time when you hope your "nest egg" will last long enough for you to enjoy the precious few years you have worked hard and saved for! Please awaken from this program. Declining health and vitality, Death and Dis-ease were never part of the KRYSTIC package! We have been mind-controlled and bio-engineered to give over our WILL to these false timelines! In Indigenous and ancient cultures the elders especially the wise women guided their communities taking positions of power! Your LIFE is just Beginning and THE BEST IS YET TO COME!!! Bioregenesis now at hand!


In Shelbyville Kentucky we met with a group of highly evolved Dragon Queen Goddesses and opened a portal in an Ancient Tartaria Community!








KIKI and I have been deep into our own personal healing and bio-regenesis here in the Yucatan! Kiki has reset to 1 year old and I am a perpetual 33! I am amazed at how rapidly my body is able to heal and absorb the higher frequencies in this amazing healing environment.

  • 5G free or very low natural Environments

  • Healing Waters which hold the divine blueprint from: the Bacalar Lagoon and numerous Cynotes & Krytal Caves!

  • Ancient Mayan Healing Ceremonies: Tamasca Mayan Sweet Lodge

  • Swimming in the sea, walking in the Jungle, and visiting ancient sacred archeological sites.

  • Eating fresh delicious plant-based foods

  • Relaxing in the restorative Sun

  • Walking barefoot in the silicon sand.

I feel guided to bring a small group of people down here for bio

regenesis. If this resonates. PLEASE EMAIL ME:


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