Fall Equinox in MALTA!!

In my May newsletter, I wrote about the Return of the Divine Feminine and the ancient Celtic practice of “Crowning of the Queen of May”. Under the Patriarchal (false) “Christianity” re- legion, pagan rituals celebrating the Goddess were stamped out and her statues buried, hidden away from time to be awakened at this KEY time in our history.
The truth is found buried in our hidden his-tory and I went to Malta to find it! There I found proof of what I had always known in my heart of hearts to be true but much of it was disturbing to face. I did not want to go to Malta although I was told it was a beautiful place with very high energy. I had bouts of terror before my departure something I had not experienced for a very long time and was grateful when I found out I could not bring Kiki on the ferry over, because Kiki, my service dog comes with! But at the last moment, I got the okay to bring her, the path magically cleared and like Dorthy and Toto we were on our way to the magical Island of Malta not aware of all the challenges that lie ahead! The only instructions I had been given via through my connection to Infinite Source was I had to be inside the hypogeum on the day of the Fall Equinox. This is a very ancient underground site containing many chambers constructed with ancient science creating an acoustical healing environment. The main room is called the Oracle room where a voice or tones can be projected throughout the entire underground matrix. Then there is another chamber called the Holy of Holies.
Matla is known as an ancient island of honey as it is the very heart center of the divine feminine node or dragon node on the earth. Melita as it was known in Goddess times, the Isle of Honey or Divine Plasma which is the creational term for the supreme being mother goddess birthing matter. Some of the oldest Goddess temples of Lemuria are still visible and standing in Malta. Although once highjacked in our false HIS-tory, time lines this crystalline temple island of honey is Divinely Sovereign.The earth currents are once again running the ancient divine software called LOVE. Earth is now plugged into it’s true North the pole star or north star which was always Her gateway to infinite source, which was hijacked billions of years ago to Thuban in the Draco constellation. Now that this gateway is open again and our divine birthright of ascension and divine sovereignty has been restored! We as the Divine Christ child were cut off from our Divine Mother and Divine Father and raised by an abusive Psychotic Father God who usurped the true Holy Trinity into the false trinity of Father, Son and (hungry) Ghost by removing the divine feminine completely from the equation.
Rome is and was a distraction. Malta is the True Vatican named after the Etruscan Goddess Vatika. St. Peter or Simon Peter, who was never supposed to go to Rome which created a huge distortion on the earth as he turned to the dark side to complete his lessons. But now he is redeemed and the keys of the kingdom have returned to the true sovereignty of Christ on the earth, which is all of You. The golden and silver keys as well as the all seeing eye of every religion have been returned to source. This is the beginning of Unity Consciousness on the Earth.

Krystic communities who held the higher gene codes served Guardians of Earth’s Template or ley lines and of the holy grail the star gates. Although many of the Pagan Religions were infiltrated. Malta held the divine flame through out history, although constantly being chipped at Matla was invaded by dark forces repeatedly. They would capture her Guardian races to serve as slaves and breeders for their leviathan races of annunaki hybrids. This HIS-tory continued to repeat itself until the arrival of the The Luciferian Templar knights. It was then that the true Guardians of the templates were replaced by the False Templar Knights and Malta fell. They polluted her majestical ley lines with their blood rituals and hi jacked her powerful Dragon node energy to feed their dark agenda of the Catholic Church. The Goddess Vatika along with the power of the Goddess Energy was stolen and inverted into Black Madonna networks and the divine Goddess energy was shakeled with lunar harnesses forcing women to serve a reflection of the male. The power of the Goddess was then co-opted to fuel the dark masculine agendas.Women began to loss their voice and became powerless victims of the dark masculine HIS-tory laden with lunar distortions causing all kinds of dis- eases such a thyroid disorders, birthing pains, female hysteria, and gynecological and sexual misery impacts, to name a few.
This Ancient sight is one of the most guarded place one Earth. You must book it months in advance and you can not bring anything in with you! It was only by a miracle that I was able to go in and without Kiki. I did manage to smuggle in my camera and here is one of my shots. I also made a short film I will be releasing later.

It was reported that elongated skulls had been found there but the in the first few minutes of a propaganda film they showed as we entered they denied their existence. There was great mystery surrounding the discovery and excavation of the site including the untimely death of Emmanuel Magr who first headed the excavations. Many of the goddess images were found buried with corpses. The Truth is many of these off planet races were helping us to hold MALTA because of its key position in our multiverse. So I lagged behind the tour and took my chance to tone the powerful. Krystala tones of KA-RA-YA-SA-TA-AH-LA in every chamber I entered which reset everything to alignment with The INFINITE! The tones reverberated throughout the entire complex and deep into the Earth connecting all the timelines and fragments of Earth Urtha, Tara and Gaia and I swear my other identity heard it from deep within the chambers and it gave her/me hope! MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!


I also had the unexpected pleasure of visiting Ta Pinu in Gozo when I was lost. I saw this amazing Cathedrale in the middle of no where! I knew I had to go inside. The energy is off the charts. The people that made their pilgrimage there have reported miracles and I stayed and meditated for several hours.

And of course, I stayed in the Westin DRAGON ara Resort which was FABULOUS!!!

Your body is Sacred and directly linked to our Mother Earth! Love every inch of it no matter what size you are! Love all of you even your dis-eased and abused parts! This is how we women will heal ourselves through the power of LOVE and restore our divine Goddess within

Like a small child suddenly being ripped from the arms of a loving mother and raised by an abusive domineering Father we need to heal ourselves.This is exactly what has happened to us collectively. This is why we women need to heal in order reawaken that divine goddess buried deep within and KNOW our self worth.
During this time I know many of you are having all kinds of emotions coming up: Fear, shame, guilt, sadness, deep grief, anger. Give a voice to your feelings by going within and asking your divine child: What are you feeling? (Anger, sadness, fear…) Then ask why are you feeling this? What does this feeling say to you? Let whatever images and emotions come out without judgment and do your best to love yourself during this process.
The more you feel the more you heal and the more you heal the more you will remember. When you have full recall of your alternate identities or what we call “past” lives you will be healed, whole and holy! The Goddess in you will return and you will commit to loving your dreams into Creation with the same power that our Mother God gave birth to all Creation!