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Writer's picture: Elizabeth MonroyElizabeth Monroy


A powerful SHIFT has occurred due to the i of 888 Lion’s Gate portal through Siris B producing  a massive influx of energy to our planet, colossal solar flares pushed the Schumann Resonance to a new level! This is a joyous occasion for our Mother Earth who has entered a whole new frequency!  The New Earth is here! The Krystal River Fail Safe Host is taking hold and the KRYSTALA Spiral is reaching massive amounts of quantum coupled with the Nomi Wave which has cleared the fallen angelic’s demonic trumpet pulses and is allowing us to move into a new octave cycle of uplifting positive energy! These next eight years we will have the opportunity to co-create the kind of world we want to LIVE in by aligning with INFINITE SOURCE and  the KRYSTALA spiral of LIFE! It is a rare opprotunity to make all your dreams come true and they WILL come true!

But perhaps you are feeling the aftermath of this massive energy upgrading your physical body and the world around you? Perhaps things are clearing from your life to make way for new things but it is leaving you confused, anxious and not sure of what to do next? Perhaps you are still being attacked by the lower frequency entities and A.I.? So wouldn’t this be a good time to REWRITE YOUR LIFE STORY FROM VICTIM TO VICTOR? To spend some time contemplating in quiet reflection your life story determining what karmic patterns still have a hold on you? To clear your shadow body once and for all so there are no more portals open? To be able to HOLY shift timelines and rewrite every aspect of your life onto a higher frequency of flash sequences or timelines?

If this resonates with you then I highly recommend reading The Infinite Human which is how I rewrote my Life Story. I will soon be releasing the Being an Infinite Human Workbook which goes along with the book helping you to rewrite your Heroic Journey of Ascension! I am also working to create online experiences to support you in your journey! Please send me an email if you would like to be placed on the waiting list to be notified of upcoming events!

It is the perfect time to let the go of the old  and embrace the new. Break  FREE from the lower aspects of yourself that attract the wrong people, places and things to you. You may want to start a new health care regime and diet? You may want to launch a new career? You may find yourself ending old relationships and embarking on new ones in this pivotal time frame.


                 The New Earth Begins Within YOU!

The First wave of Volunteers are The FOUNDER RACES  highly genetically encrypted divine infinite angelic beings who volunteered to come to this Time Matrix to BE THE CHANGE and help to make our Mother Earth and our entire UNI-verse transmute its darkness and re-align with the KRYSTALA path of ASCENSION  moving onto the KRYSTALA Spiral of LIFE. These highly evolved beings have been hidden in and out of time for their own safety and are waking up now from their comatose state of unawareness. These are the leaders who will create leaders, the founders of the New Earth. But it ALL begins and ends WITHIN YOU! 

              BEING INFINITE

YOU must first expand all of your Finite Human natures into Being Infinite Humans physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, financially, and socially! This a quantum leap from :

  • Physical Body: Carbon-based body into KRYSTALA KATHARA  PLASMA Body deeply connected to our Mother Earth.

  •  Emotional Body: Fear, Guilt, Shame Sorrow, and Pain body into Love, Intuitive empathic and purity of intention.


  • Mental Body: Finite Mind Control Programming into Infinite Multidimensional Consciousness.


  •   Spiritual Body: Religious Dogma into understanding the True Creation Mechanics, ascending into Alignment with Infinite Source and the Krystala Spiral, and honoring the ONENESS of all things.


  • Financial Body: Competition, greed, misuse of free will, into embracing the nature of true abundance, co-creating together with respect for Mother Earth, and transmuting all situations into win/ win scenarios for everyone! 


  • Social Body: intermeshed entangled groups bonded through mind control programs of finite belief systems that hold everyone back into multi-dimensional beings who come together for a higher purpose as Infinite Humans Being infinite co-creating infinite New Earth Communities. 



        The New Consciousness Renaissance 

This INFINITE  consciousness will transmute the finite mind SET as these highly encrypted STAR seeds blend into the consciousness of humanity they will create a counter-culture, a New consciousness a New Renaissance and a NEW INFINITE EARTH! 

HOW DO YOU DO IT?  By first becoming Infinite yourself and evolving all 6 of your natures! Then just being yourself you will become a role model and leader a light, an inspiration  to those seeking in-lumin-nation! People will seek you out to learn from you, to be inspired by you, and to co-create with you! Why? Because INFINITE SOURCE has your back ! The FORCE is with YOU! The tables have turned. We WON over the darkness, the finite and in winning everyone wins so there  are no more battles to fight.

 It is time to come out, come out wherever your BE THE CHANGE by being the authentic INFINITE YOU!  

                    THE NEW INFINITE EARTH

Many of us will be called to co- create and participate in NEW EARTH communities. These will be strategically  positioned  hubs around our Mother Earth where we will serve as the Guardians of our Mother Earth maintaining the extremely high frequencies. They will become the prototype communities of the New Earth where people will come to be healed, to learn, co create  and to restore their divine blueprint! These will be true Krystic cloisters that will serve to stabilize and disperse the incoming frequencies helping our Mother Earth in her ascension and restoration of her divine blueprint. 

                                                 SOUL MISSION 

                         Peter and I have committed to BE HERE as ONE to lay The Infinite Human Foundation and to support you in your journey of ascesion into Being Infinite Humans Co- Creating a New Earth.  As we work with the Guardians to realign this Time Matrix to the KRYSTALA SPIRAL of LIFE and Divine Infinite Source we are expanding our reach to share many exciting new educational programs, multidimensional expereinces, esoteric tours, and inspirational messages!


Many of these will be offered online as we gather our tribe so please subscribe to our new social media avenues to stay abreast of the latest developments! 


This Month on THE INFINITE HUMAN TALK SHOW we will be addressing the theme of co-creating New Earth Communities with our amazing Guests:

Amma Sol


Tony Dennis!



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