The Death of Queen Elizabeth marks the end of the reign of the imposter royalty and the return of the Dragon Queens, the Magi Grail lines, and the True Royals whose job is to not rule over people because people are God Sovereign Free but to reclaim their positions as the Guardians of OUR EARTH!

“We have been conditioned to believe that those who hold wealth and power are worthy of our trust, loyalty and obedience and that they are the representatives of “God” here on earth. That their orders should be followed with unwavering devotion even if it may cost us our own lives. We are taught from birth that those of the “upper class” with good breeding are our betters, our genetic superiors, the Lords and Ladies that preside over us. We have been brainwashed into believing wealth and power is more important than love and compassion. That a person’s words are more important than their deeds. That the “Elites” who possess money, position and power should never be questioned. The truth is there is nothing elite about these imposter gods, and their psychopathic children. They are simply dysfunctional mafioso families, not gods! In fact, they are the farthest thing from God or Divine Infinite God Source! Every child born into an Illuminati family undergoes Satanic Ritual Abuse. This means they have been sodomized, tortured, and are possessed by demonic entities. The more powerful the illuminati figure, the more powerful the demonic entity that possesses them. There is nothing noble about the “nobility” nor their families. If you dig deeply into the history of most “royal” families, it reads like a godfather novel, with tales of fratricide, patricide, matricide, sororicide and genocide. This does not mean there were not plants, evolved souls, avatars or “Christ Players” who incarnated into positions of power with missions to counteract these evil agendas. There have always been plants throughout the ages. But the ruling class of today are usurpers of the true nobility! They are demonic abominations of God’s Natural Laws, void of any sense of morality, integrity, justice, compassion or dignity. We are the true Royalty! We are the ELITES!”
Excerpt from The Infinite Human by Elizabeth Monroy M.S. & Peter Monroy M.D.

The queen of England died and the timing is very synchronistic. Whether she died today or last year is irrelevant. The timing of the announcement is very synchronistic.
The Original Royal Portal of 9/9 is tomorrow. This portal represents the awakening of the 13 pure blooded royal Elohim angelic lineages. These special lineage of angelics incarnated on earth and were put in waiting/sleep until the old reptilian monarch timeline collapsed.
These Elohim Angels are here to usher in a new and pure royal energy over the planet. When I say "Royal Energy" I don't mean that they're going to rule over humanity. Instead, they're ushering in a wave of healing to everyone that have lived a royal lifetime on earth. Every royal family, dynasty and empire that has ever existed throughout earth's history has experienced some form of infiltration and collapse.
The Queen of England, and her group, were responsible for the infiltration and collapse of a multitude of royal families, dynasties and empires throughout earths history which has created ripples of endless chaos and suffering. Her death is a reflection of that old age of destruction ending.
This wave is also awakening those who have royal galactic lineages, celestial royal lineages and universal royal lineages. People from all levels of royalty are receiving their royal DNA code activations and remembering their royal existence off planet, in other realms and dimensions. I've been working with many clients recently who I've helped awaken to their pleiadian royal lineage, Elohim Angel Royal Lineage, faerie royal lineage and Dragon Royal lineages.
9/9 is the Universal Royal Portal
~Antonio Arilo

My name is Elizabeth Monroy …Monroy meaning my King or Queen. Ironically in Italy, I was always called Queen Elizabeth by the Italians! I have always had neck problems since the kundalini of my crown charka was activated early in my life and I had to carry the weight of this crown most of my life. I always knew at some level that when Queen Elizabeth the last of the imposters MY reign and the reign of the true Guardian Royalty Bloodlines would commence. THAT DAY HAS COME!
It is a responsibility that is not to be born lightly. We who have been patiently awaiting this day for eons are at long last moving into the positions as the true Guardians of OUR EARTH. For those who are truly ready to SERVE the ONENESS of all things and uphold THE LAW OF ONE, the Holy Scepter of true power to carry out the Divine Will of Infinite God Source is now being bestowed upon you. You must only prove yourself worthy by surrendering your finite egotistical will to the Divine Will of Infinite Source. That means sometimes doing things you DON’T want to do.

Coincidently (there are no coincidences) my mother has recently died and I have "come into my inheritance", and been called back to the US of A to the town of Louisville, Kentucky where I grew up. I found my hometown overrun by huge towers transmitting deadly 5G death rays everywhere. My entire body was assaulted by these anti life frequencies that the Americans have grown accustomed to. Many of them did not even know what 5G was (although they are using the 5G cell phones) Many could not even SEE the towers until I pointed them out. This combined with the chemtrails and the corporate world of GMO food and digital lifestyles has created disruptive frequencies that are slowly killing them and it has almost completely disrupted my own abilities to commune with Infinite Source. It has been as if someone changed the dial on my radio station and all I can hear and feel is static. I am transmuting it but 5G is real and it explains the Dis-united State of America and why people can not SEE what is happening around them. TRUTH is a frequency and the A.I. manipulation is keeping people imprisoned in a false timeline matrix. (More about that latter.)
Meanwhile back to REALITY on the organic 5D timelines: Our organic Earth is on a fail-safe ascension path! Only most people are under the AI spell and are not even aware of it. They are not grounded in the Real Organic world. They are still plugged into the Artificial World and living on the old 3D Timeline of imposters leaders, Imposter gods, artificial food (GMO) (crypto), and AI consciousness: the internet (ie. the Megaverse).

“Elder Grandfather Martin Gashweseoma, who interprets the Prophecy Rock, speaks of two paths, the top path is of the two hearted people that everyone thinks is the right path and follows, then there is the second path of truth that leads to everlasting life that only a few one hearted people follow. The top line ends abruptly while the bottom line continues around the rock.
At this time, the light-skinned race will be given a choice between two roads. One road is the road of greed and technology without wisdom or respect for life. This road represents a rush to destruction. The other road is spirituality, a slower path that includes respect for all living things. If we choose the spiritual path, we can light yet another fire, an Eighth Fire, and begin an extended period of Peace and healthy growth.”
“One day... there would come a time, when the earth being ravaged and polluted, the forests being destroyed, the birds would fall from the air, the waters would be blackened, the fish being poisoned in the streams, and the trees would no longer be, mankind as we would know it would all but cease to exist...a new tribe of people shall come unto the earth from many colors, classes, creeds and who by their actions and deeds shall make the earth green again. This tribe shall be called The Warriors of the Rainbow and it will put its faith in actions not words.
The Infinite Human by Eizabeth Monroy M.S. & Peter Monroy M.D.

It is time to begin to plant your feet into the soil of Mother Earth and the 5D timeline and make her green again .It is time to take down the 5G towers of death ( or move to protected areas) to restore our soil, to grow food that feeds and nourishes our bodies and souls. To return to community to the simplicity of what is good and true. It is time to take our positions as the true royalty the Guardians of our Mother Earth and her future. It is time to beam steer humanity back to the future from whence we fell to the 5D timeline which leads us home to Infinite Source.
Everyone has a job a soul mission. You only need to reclaim yours and your inner power which will bring you and those you touch back to Infinite Source, back home to your true spiritual family in the stars.
I have been called back home to Louisville to ground the ascension energies emanating from the recently freed Pegasus constellation here in Louisville city of Pegasus! This has begun a major shift. I will also be doing a book tour at healing festivals in Lousiville, Virginia, Indianna, Ohio and Tennessee. Please see my schedule by clicking here:
Kiki and I would love to meet you in person if you are in these areas. I will be giving free workshops and offering soul mission readings at my booth.
Isn’t it time to be part of the New Consciousness Renaissance?