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Winter Solstice A Time to Prepare for 2023!

Writer's picture: Elizabeth MonroyElizabeth Monroy

Updated: Dec 19, 2022

Winter Solstice:

A Time to Prepare: 2023 A Year of Great Change!

This Yule Tide Season brings with it heightened energies that will support you in your journey towards wholeness and unity consciousness that resides within. There is an uplifting surge coupled by a Shiva (destroyer) energy entering to help you to cut all the cords of the karmic patterns that bind you to the 3D prison time matrix so in 2023 you will be fully able to allow more 5D frequencies to run through you giving you a heightened surge of creativity, passion, and revitalization so you can more easily make your soul visions manifest.

2023: Some things you need to be aware of:

2023 is THE YEAR where the bifurcation of timelines between the 3D mind set of the controlled finite reality and 5D awakening consciousness will become delineated. Which means you really want to be on the 5D ascending timelines. This means you need to position yourself by taking care of old business, doing your inner shadow work, and cutting any ties that are dragging your down NOW! Life will become increasingly more difficult for those who hang onto the old paradigms. The good news is that never before will it be easier to SEE the karmic patterns that have kept you caught in the Merry-go-round of reincarnation and at long last break this Karmic Wheel. Situations that trigger you will continue to appear in your life as tests until you are at last able to end the emotional upheaval that living in the survival mode of fight and flight. Your deepest fears hurts, blames, grief and rage will be surfacing to enable you to put them to rest and once and for all end your role in the victim /persecutor cycle. You no longer have to play the victim! You no longer have to seek power from something or someone outside of yourself. You can rest in the peace of knowing your power is in your connection to Infinite God Source which lies within. You are free to step out of the karmic patterns that humanity has been repeating over and over again in an artificial time loop that has lasted over 250 million years. You have been in the same bad “relationship” having the same financial problems, creating the same health issues, and caught up in the same fearful reactions over and over again. Like the movie Ground Hound Day. The Ascension frequencies are growing stronger daily. 2023 will fully support those who choose to use the ascending timeline to do their own inner work and finally let go of their limited 3D mind control perspective and step out of their prison cell (phone).

Yes, I did say CELL phone. We have been living in a prison matrix where like children we have constantly taken our cues from an external power world like: God the Father Almighty, the Church, Spiritual Leaders, the Government, the Royals, our parents, our culture, the Media (and that includes social media) and now (A.I.) Artificial Technology that is telling us when to get up, when to sleep, where to go, what to think, how to feel, and whether to turn right or left. Why I even saw people using their cell phones to heal themselves! All this external stimulus drowns out the subtle inner voice of Infinite wisdom within us. We must retrain our minds and hearts to listen to the whisper of spirit which resides within all LIVING things. The gods of nature as the Mayans called them, or the deva spirits inherent in all living things. The trees, the stars, the animals. We must go within and learn to trust our inner voice and follow our hearts. The “CELL” phone you are using, relying on more and more daily is changing the algorithms of your brain, locking you into its finite prison “cell” intentionally caging your pineal gland with a low-frequency checkerboard matrix. This makes it more difficult for you to tune into Divine Infinite Source; with your organic microchip and serve the INFINITE!


The Good news is that even though growth may at times be painful, you are developing more awareness and being able to walk away from these karmic patterns once and for all. The truth is all you need do is LET GO. Stop being pulled into the drama and the trauma and Artificial of 3D Earth. Stop paying IT more attention than need be, when you can instead use your focused energy to be in a peaceful state of higher consciousness. It is in this way you can create the reality you want to live in on the 5D timeline. This raises your frequency so you can manifest from 5D attracting your soul tribe, creating true abundance (not just money) twin souls, good friends, radiant health, a beautiful healing living space, and a job that is part of your soul mission and ignites your inner passion provides freedom, self -exploration, and self-love. You will be guided to being where you are celebrated not tolerated and come together with people from a place of unity, love, and higher consciousness leaving behind your karmic patterns. This all awaits you in 2023. All you have to do is break the old karmic patterns by having the courage to break out of the mind control systems that are in-prisoning your consciousness and have the faith to follow that inner voice which may begin as a whisper but if you continue to empower that voice rather than Siri or Alexa or misinterpreted scriptures or political leaders, or the latest social media bomb, in short, your inner reality rather than the outer world of illusion, you will find yourself bifurcating onto the organic 5D timelines where,

"fairytales do come true, they can happen to you!"

Winter Solstice 2022

May I suggest you take a moment to remove yourself from the Christmas consumerism and family drama. Find a quiet spot to reflect. Light a candle and review your life. See all the amazing accomplishments you have achieved even if they seem small. Then take a good long look at any old patterns that are still binding you to the lower frequencies of 3D Earth. What in your life makes you feel sad, angry, nervous, fearful? Take a deep breath and tune inward. Embrace them rather than repeal them. Begin to meditate on what your life would be like without these limitations. Visualize, fantasize your wildest dreams coming true in every aspect of your life. FEEL the higher frequencies streaming in. Then set the intention surrendering your will to the higher will to Infinite God Source. This will allow you to follow your intuition to carry out the Divine plan rather than your into- wishing to chase your egotistical desires that will leave you empty.

As you move about your life in 2023 make the intention to deal with any life situation or peacefully walk away from any person, place or thing that is not in alignment with your infinite self living in the 5D reality. If you feel triggered with emotions such as anger, fear, hurt, blame, or jealousy know that you have created these feelings inside of you to heal your hurt inner child and go to Infinite Source for the unconditional love you need rather than an external source. You must cut the cords and have enough faith to walk away knowing Infinite God Source will provide for you and has something far better in store for you! This is the path to true abundance, finding you true soul mate, soul family, soul tribe and soul mission.

Paint yourself a world of perfection and let Infinite God Source clear your path. Have Faith. Let the broken 3D World go and you will inherit the 5D World.

Then and only then you will be free to move in between the multiple timelines as an Alchemist!

Many of us have felt called to be warriors, even martyrs during these past two years speaking out against the gross heinous atrocities against our fellow brothers and sisters during the rip-roaring 20s. I know I have. Historically, we have been living on a fallen planet and many of us volunteered to come here as part of a rescue mission.We have sacrificed ourselves many, many lifetimes for the good of others. But like everything our good-hearted nature has been used against us and we have been pulled into a karmic repeatedly time loop matrix with no end: Sacrificing ourselves to the false“gods” believing this is the pathway to ascension.


Since my arrival in the Yucatán, I have met many Mayans and spent a lot of time visiting ancient Mayan ruins and recalling my many past lives. I also spent a lot of time anchoring the Earth onto the true organic timelines of the Mayans before the fall. Before the culture was infiltrated the Mayan culture which were the last remnants of the Lemuria/ Atlantis factions still followed the Law of One. They worshiped nature and her spirits and respected all life. But they were coopted by the false god Quetzal alias Thoth, Enki, Lucifer. These dark forces turned the Mayan religion from worshiping Life into a death cult where humans begged to have their hearts cut out to feed their hungry “gods”. They were duped into believing that by scarfing themselves they would become gods themselves.

It is time to take the sacrificial knives used to cut out our hearts and instead use them to cut the cords that bind you to the victim/ victimizer mindset. Free yourself. True service to others is serving yourself first through your own ascension into the higher frequencies of 5D Earth!


Amazon Review:

“If you are just now awakening spiritually, or have been on the path for a long time or something in-between, this little gem of a book has something relevant for everyone at every level of their awakening consciousness. From newly awakening to star seeds to souls who have been awake a long time, everyone will gain some nuggets from this book.

How do we align with God source? How do we even know we are connected to this beautiful energy? This book gives you some very good clues and outlines steps to make that happen for you. You do not need to have a Guru, teacher, priest, preacher, shaman or any other intermediary guide you in today’s energetic vibrations. Nor do you need to use plant medicines, hallucinogenic, or any mind-altering substances. You can attain direct flow from the universe without any of those things. This book will help you know and understand how to do this with specific steps.”


2023 EVENTS:

I always say I only work here and it will be revealed to me how things are to unfold but I feel I will at last be able to work more directly with you my Awakening Infinite Human Family! I know many of you have been reaching out to me to do more and it has been so wonderful to have had the opportunity to meet so many of you in person! I am being guided to offer more support in 2023 by creating retreats and online workshops to support you in your own inner healing and carrying out your unique and vital soul missions on Earth. I will be spanning two continents America and Europe.

Upcoming Events in 2023:


January 6, 2023


12 noon EST. This will be a powerful group meditation to help you and our Earth to properly position itself on the 5D timelines. This will help you manifest your optimal future and carry out your soul mission. LET THIS BE YOUR YEAR!!! (traveling in Mexico and will be in a very isolated part of Mexico (not even sure if they have internet.) But plan on broadcasting live on Facebook and my Youtube channel:)

January 23, 2023 Podcast with the Spiritual Forum

February 10 & 11th

Light Consciousness Expo Sarasota, Florida



Florence, Italy: The New Consciousness Renaissance Retreat for the Visionaries of 5D Earth

Sicily: Rewriting Your Life Story onto the 5D timeline


Future Healing Retreats in The Yucatan & The Creation of an Eco-Community!

I will be sending out more detailed information in 2023 to those who are interested. If would like to receive this information please email me at:

Isn’t it time to be part of the New Consciousness Renaissance?



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1 Comment

Dec 18, 2022

Thank you for these words of love and encouragement bringing me into 2023 with strength of my true inner self

The Infinite Human

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