That’s the greatest TRUTH that they don’t want you to know!
THANK YOU Gyorgy Kapas
As these higher frequencies displace the lower frequencies purging our 3D Reality things may seem a little CRAZY! It is forcing all the darkness into the LIGHT for healing and recalibrating to the higher consciousness of Infinite Source on the KRYSTALA SPIRAL of LIFE!
As we observe the world around us we notice an instability in our banking, financial, political, medical, educational, religious and all 3D finite structures as they assimilate the higher frequencies forcing a quickening as we shift into the higher dimensions. This is causing a great deal of fear, confusion, and panic as the masses desperately seek outside of themselves for something to hold onto in the shifting sands of time!
You are INFINITE, INFINITE LOVE, INFINITE TRUTH INFINITE GOD SOURCE! YOU are a UNI-verse. It’s all happening within! You are a 15-dimensional holographic template projecting your reality around you so you can SEE it and participate in it! YOU CREATE YOUR OWN REALITY! But you forgot, you got lost in the illusion! You fell asleep in the DREAM! You began to identify with the mini-me finite projection of yourselves (of which there are many!) Rather than remembering YOU ARE INFINITE!
When you chose to incarnate into this time Matrix, you bought the ticket and agreed to enter the illusion of time. You agreed to play the game and follow the rules because you wanted to have the experience, because after all the ultimate TRUTH IS WE ARE ALL THE INFINITE EXPERIENCING ITSELF. Everything has already happened but we are experiencing it all in the NOW as we choose moment by moment to follow the flash sequences or timelines that create our probable future.
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word WAS
JOHN 1:1
We are all just stories in the mind of God the Divine Storyteller.
The further we stray from the original word, which IS God or
the vibrational frequency of Infinite God Source, the more our life story
begins to unravel. The more pain, suffering, and confusion we experience
until like the prodigal son, we decide to return Home to the vibrational
frequency of Infinite God Source within.
So the question I hear many of you asking is, “If I create my own reality why has my life been shit? Why would I create that?” Because dear ones you have been cut off from Infinite Source and not had the true power of manifestation. It is like having your oxygen supply removed but instead of suffocating you went to sleep in the dream and like zombies, the walking dead you became programmed by a death cult of parasites whose only desire was to feed off of your pain and misery. So you created misery, pain and suffering for yourself! This was the Fibon NOT-CHI spiral of Death! The pathway which leads into FALL! It is much like intestines that are lined with mucoid plaque and candida creating a breeding ground for parasites to feed on. These parasites can only reside in these lower frequencies.
NOW because of the Fail Safe Krystal River Host of Ascension, we are now having these higher frequencies flood into our fallen lower frequency harmonic universe. And for those who choose to attune to this higher frequencies and walk the path of the Krystal Spiral of LIFE they will have the POWER to be the Co -Creators of the New Earth which begins and ends inside of YOU!
It is always about YOU. This is why so many of you have been so isolated and alone. To remember we are not alone but ALLONE. As you purge the lower frequencies and finite overlays that have kept you trapped walled off from the higher aspects of your Krystic self, your Reshi Self and your INFINITE self, the part of you that you left outside the time matrix! This part of you still knows who it is, all that is, has ever been and always will be ...Infinite! So you agreed to down step yourself as you descended into the time matrix but you did not agree to forget who you are! NOW at long last you are waking up from the dream and remembering who you are and as you do you are summoning all the power of infinite source to co create your optimal reality!
There are an infinite number of versions of you! In this time matrix we call them past and future lives but in reality they are all happening NOW! For those of you who are choosing ascension in this life time you are Re-writing your life story to the Heroic YOU! You are the heroine or hero in your ascension journey! As you embark on this journey and face your daily challenges you are given the opportunity to rewrite your life story to heal past life traumas, change destructive karmic patterns, clear ancestral miasmas in the NOW moment! THIS IS WHY YOUR CURRENT LIFE MAY SEEM DIFFICULT! Especially more difficult than those around you who have not yet made that choice. You are crossing all the T's and dotting all the i's and clearing out eons of karmic pain, trauma and suffering.
This is not an easy task but the energy of the multiverse has your back. Previously this was a very difficult journey because the cards were stacked against those seeking to escape the prison matrix which was bound to the low frequencies of the Fib bon- NOT -CHI death Spiral. Now as you heal and release these lower frequencies within you will begin to identify more and more with the higher aspects of your selves (your higher selves) and eventually your INFINITE self! You will begin to kill off the lower you’s or past life versions of you and assimilate, heal and transmute all of their pain and suffering emerging as the victor! This is why many of you may be feeling tired, sad, hurt, confused, extremely sensitive or angry for no apparent reason! You have forgotten you are multidimensional being working on many lifetimes all at once in this now moment. You may be meeting people in the grocery store who raped and murdered you! You may be encountering past lovers or family members at beach. All these brief encounters are to help you tidy up the past YOUs! You may be doing a great deal of emotional therapy in your dreams! You may be detoxing eons of pain, torture and victimization. So be gentle and loving to yourself. When you lose someone. human or animal it may be the grief of lifetimes all rolled into that now moment for you to purge like an ocean of tears. Let them fall! Let it all go. This may require a lot of alone time. Give yourself that gift. Do not worry about this hermitage phase of your life, It will end all too soon giving way to a be-you-to-the full new you! You will find your high vibe tribe! You will be among those who celebrate you not tolerate you. But you must first purge the past releasing the lower frequency in order to give birth to the INFINITE YOU!
This upcoming solar eclipse in Libra is about relationships and restoring balance within. Know that all relationships are a reflection of you. All triggers serve as signs of things your need to heal within. In the lower frequencies of our Finite 3D existence too often we came together entangled in one another’s energetic space with no respect for boundaries nor personal freedom of expression. This stifled our inner spiritual connection with infinite source. We who listened to our inner guidance were seen as crazy and often outcast. Our cultures, societies and families were very stifling to our personal and spiritual expression.
This Eclipse is heralding the END of relationships in the lower frequencies of the 3D world. Jealousy, competition, possessiveness, co- dependency, narcissism , egotism and above all victim- victimizers programs will end. They can no longer exist in the higher frequencies of the Krystala spiral of LIFE! This must be purged from within! So pay close attention to how you are relating to people in your life? Are you playing the victim or are you persecuting /victimizing others?
Raised by Marriage and family therapists and becoming a mental health counselor myself I find it ironic that I now live in Sicily in a town that gave birth to the Mafia! But one thing I love about Italians is their honest expression of emotions I have learned through years of working with individuals that it is the “anglos” who hold the most ancestral miasma and inner pain. Because of our “British Ancestry” most English speaking nations have learned to repress their emotions, and over ride their heart with their brain (mind control) They have lost the innocence of their youth, the ability to play and communicate with nature and animals. They have lost the compassion and intuitive knowing that comes from remaining connected to your emotions and to your inner child. Here in Italy being emotional is part of the culture.
We have now entered the time we have all been waiting for! As you do the inner work and shed your old finite self, your life will take off and things you never imaged possible will become possible! You will feel as if you are riding a magic carpet gliding above the problems of the masses. Your soul mission will begin to unfold and carry you to unprecedented heights of bliss and unforeseen opportunities!
The only thing standing in your way is YOU!
How does Infinite Human support individuals in achieving personal and professional growth?
The first thing I emphasize is for people to read The Infinite Human. It represents 30 years of my work. Before that, my husband Peter and I wrote The Pathway Home while he was still alive. Peter was a doctor, and I was a mental health counselor. Together, we traveled across the world, creating healing centers and working primarily with underprivileged communities in the U.S., where healthcare is often inaccessible. Peter, who was Cuban-born and Ivy League-educated, secured funding for these communities, while we emphasized holistic healing—physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. We believed in taking responsibility for one’s own healing.
So, the first step in growth is to heal or “purge” oneself of lower frequencies, allowing for elevation to higher ones. The Pathway Home is an excellent guide for beginners, focusing on divine inner healing and personal responsibility in the healing process.
The second book, The Infinite Human, which I co-wrote with Peter, even after his passing, dives deeper into current global issues. It exposes negative forces—what I call “fallen angelics”—that have manipulated our planet’s systems: education, medicine, food supplies, and even religion. These forces have inverted the truth, and the book serves as a “red pill enema,” providing full disclosure and helping people connect the dots.
Many feel confused by conflicting information from various sources, but I always advise people to trust themselves first. We’ve been programmed to follow authority—doctors, teachers, religious leaders—but now it’s time to shift from external validation to internal trust. The book explains our planet’s true history and reveals how systems have been manipulated to keep humanity enslaved.
DAVID EMERY will be returning to discuss his forthcoming book Beyond the Biblical into the Universe of YOU
Prof. Spira is an author, musician, founder of Mucus-free Life LLC, and one of the most sought-after experts on Arnold Ehret's Mucusless Diet.